1999 – St. Anthony, Idaho
St. Anthony & Warm River, Idaho
Friday June 25th
It was about 4:00 in the afternoon on a warm summer day when the Family began to gather. The St. Anthony Idaho LDS Church Stake Center easily accommodated the about 50, in attendance for the Friday gathering of the 50th annual Cazier Family Reunion. The Family snacked on a light supper of fruit, vegetables, and luncheon meats, while they reacquainted themselves with their relatives.
St. Anthony is a small rural community, in South Eastern Idaho not far from Yellowstone National Park and the Teton Mountains. This is the area that Benjamin Cazier Jr. Homesteaded with his Family, and where the first reunion was held 50 years ago. A number of Benjamin’s descendants were there, and some of them had attended the first reunion.
Additional information on the next day’s gathering was given to those in attendance.
Saturday June 26th
A number of Family members made the trip up to Warm River Park, the site of the first reunion. Warm River Park is a nice area nestled in a small Valley along the Warm River, about 15 miles northeast of St. Anthony. The River is rumored to have some nice fish, and the park has picnic areas and RV hookups.
During the meetings normally attended by the Adults, games and activities were provided for the youth and children. The youth enjoyed the treasure hunt, golf and soccer games. After the games the equipment was given to them as prizes.
Past Presidents Meeting
Larry Galli conducted the meeting for David Cazier, the current President, who could not attend as he was presiding at his stake conference. Bruce Bingham gave the opening prayer.
Financial Report
Balance on May 31, 1998. $2,952.85 total Expense. ………… $1,801.07
In attendance were Bruce Bingham, Callis Cazier, Larry Galli, Don Cazier, Carol Reynolds, and Meredith Hamilton.
The minutes from last years Past Presidents meeting were reviewed. The financial report was also given.
The discussion began about future Reunions. The main subject surrounded the need to get younger family members interested in future reunions. Meredith spoke on the need for specific planning for the youth at reunions. The concern is that the older Cazier family continuously comes to the reunions but the younger family members seem to not have the same interest. Bruce Bingham stated that he could host a reunion in Reading Ca. that would be based more in any camping environment to attract more youth.
There was discussion about possible regional reunions, that can be attended closer to home and then representatives going to the main William Cazier reunion. Larry Galli will send a letter to the Past Presidents discussing the subject.
Future locations for reunions were discussed. Some possible sites were: the Tri-Cities Washington, Reading California, and Salt Lake City Utah. It was proposed that in the general meeting Salt Lake City Utah would be proposed for the year 2000 and possibly Reading California the year 2001.
Genealogy Meeting
Carol Reynolds who works with Gail Cazier as Genealogist chaired the meeting. Gail and his wife are in Nauvoo, IL on a mission for the church.
Carol stated that there has been a mix up in the Ancestral File. Gail went to Salt Lake City to correct it but it may take about three years to show up in the files. Some of the names were attached to parents were not their own. Keeping track of all the names and Genealogy for the Caziers is too big of the job for Carol and Gail. There is a need the to have special people on each line to help. Some volunteers for this are: Bruce Bingham for John, Reva Beyeler and Carol Lynn McIntosh for Charles Drake, and Don Cazier for James.
It is requested that all Family information submitted to the Ancestral File still go through Gail and Carol. It was noted that Carol will be serving a mission next year and will not be at the reunion. Gail will be back next year to act as Genealogist.
A question about the Drake line prompted a response that it goes back to the brother of Sir Francis Drake but the records don’t go back any further. It was also stated that we are attempting to push the records on the Cazier line back past Valise France and the dues go partially to help with this endeavor. Carol stated that it might be very difficult to extend the line of the Caziers back past 1500. At that point records were not kept unless you are part of the nobility. She also stated that in her opinion it was more important to get the information of the existing generations correct while ready information is still available.
The Box Elder County history of Utah, has just come out and James Cazier is noted for establishing the route from Salt Lake City to northern Utah and the Oregon Trail. There was also provided a “Life History of Charles Hinkle Bryan and Maranda Cazier Bryan” written by William A. C. Bryan (I can’t remember who gave me the copy).
LaGrand Cazier gave the closing prayer.
After the discussion a number of us retired to the Genealogy rooms where a demonstration was given on the use of computers and the PAF program.
Dinner and Program
The Family gathered at 6:00 PM at the St. Anthony LDS Church Stake Center for dinner and the evening information and entertainment. We dined on roast pork and salad with all the trimmings, with cheesecake for dessert. After the meal Andy Cazier reported on the proceedings from last year, financial information reported and attendance taken. Roll call showed the following numbers present from the branches of the William Cazier Family: James-2, Maranda-0, John-2, Benjamin-101, Elizabeth-0, Samuel-0, David-0, Charles Drake-32, and Rosannah-0 for a total of 137.
Andy Cazier gave the financial report, on May 31st 1999 there was a balance of $2019.54. It was discussed and decided that next year’s (2000) reunion would be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, hosted by David Cazier.
The talent show was well participated in. The Conway and Rigby Family’s gave group and individual performances. Of the Conway family, Marie played piano, violin and sang, Bonnie and Sarah sang. Of the Rigby Family, Teresa, Chelsea, and Janet sang. Dance numbers were participated in by, Alicia, Stephanie, Chelsea, and Teresa Rigby along with Sarah and Amy Conway, Whitney Johnson, Lindsay Hobbs, Susie Kelsie, and Megan Hill. Andy Cazier told his “Big Mouth Frog” joke. Max Beyeler played harmonica. Josiah and Ezra Cazier (4 and 2 years old) sang “I Am a Child of God” and “Give Said the Little Stream “. Fontela Cazier Haws read a poem and story that she had written in June 1960 about the first Cazier reunion that she attended, called “The Wishing Tree”. Madge Leal then led all in attendance in singing, “When the Role is Called Up Yonder”.
Some people were recognized at the reunion: the oldest in attendance was Ela Barrier. Erthres Nebiker had the most children in attendance.
This year’s reunion will be held in Salt Lake City Utah on Friday June 23rd and Saturday June 24th. The activities will began Friday afternoon at 4:00 P.M. We will meet at the, Salt Lake Hunter Copperhill 5th Ward Chapel (and Stake Center). We will have light refreshments there at the Stake Pavilion and information about what can be seen in Salt Lake and an outline of the Saturday activities will be provided. There will be no cost to the family for the refreshments.
On Saturday the 24th, the genealogy meeting will be held in the Church’s Family History Center downtown at 10:00 AM until noon. There will be information on how to get there and what will be covered, at the Friday evening meeting. We will meet in Room B120. It is located in the basement and will accommodate approx. 30 people. The library is open all day for patrons to do research. If you have never been to the Family History Center take some time and look around while there and become familiar with its resources.
Members of the Executive committee (or Past Presidents) will meet at the stake center from 4:00 P.M. until 6:00 P.M. We will continue our discussions on the items that were brought up last year about the type of reunions, frequency etc. Come with your ideas.
Saturday evening starting at 6:30 P.M. the family will gather at the stake center for a nice evening of eating, entertainment and family business. Each family is encouraged to prepare a program number, singing, dancing, readings, etc. The meal will be potatoes and gravy or baked potatoes, ham or roast beef and tossed salad, with cake and Ice cream for the desert. The cost of meal will be about $10 with a smaller amount for children under 10, about $5. Come and join us for a graet reunion.
Some places to stay:
Here is a list of Motels within 15 to 20 minutes of the location of the Chapel where the reunion will be held. Prices range from $45 to $86 with two double beds.
Days Inn, at 315 W. 3300 S. phone 801-486-8780…
Crystal Inn, at 2254 W. 3340 S. phone 801-736-2000…. Sleep Inn, at 3440 S. 2200 W. phone 801-975-1888…. |
Super 8 Motel, at 223 N. Jim Dol Dr. phone 801-533-8878…
Country Inn, at 3422 S. Decker Lane, phone 801-908-0311… Holiday Inn, at 2080 W North Temple, phone 801-355-0088… |
Some things to see in the area: Hansen Planetarium, Trolley Square, Heber Valley Historic Railroad, Lagoon Amusement Park, Utah Fun Dome, Park City, Gardner Village, Hale Center Theater Ballet West, Utah Opera Company, Historic Temple Square, Family History Library, Museum of Church History and Art, Church Office Building, Lion House, Beehive House, Tabernacle Organ, Pioneer Trolley, and many others.
Following are the directions to the church where the reunion will be held. | Salt Lake Hunter Copperhill 5th Ward Chapel 4333 South 6400 West, West Valley City, Utah |
Northbound I-15 –
Take the Bangerter Highway exit off I-15 (right, just after point of the Mt).
Follow Bangerter Highway westbound and then northbound through several lights.
Turn left onto 41st South and travel westbound through several lights.
Turn left onto 6400 West (2nd traffic light) and travel southbound.
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The church will be on your left just past the railroad tracks.
Eastbound I-80 –
Take the 21st South Exit off of I-80 (right).
Take the 8400 West Exit (right) off 21st South, travel south.
Turn left onto 41st South and travel east, across the tracks.
Turn right onto 6400 West (1st traffic light) and travel south.
The church will be on your left just past the railroad tracks.
Southbound I-15 –
Take the I-215 exit (right), traveling west, which turns southbound.
Take the 21st South westbound exit (right) off I-215.
Take the 56th West exit (right) off 21st South, turn left onto 56th West.
Turn right onto 41st South (3rd traffic light) and travel westbound.
Turn left onto 6400 West (2nd traffic light) and travel southbound.
The church will be on your left just past the railroad tracks
Westbound I-80 –
Take the Southbound I-215 Exit (left).
Follow I-215 south, turning westbound, then turning northbound.
Take the 47th South exit (right), turn left onto 47th South.
Travel west on 47th South through several lights.
Turn right onto Bangerter Highway and travel north to the next light.
Turn left onto 41st South and travel westbound through several lights.
Turn left onto 6400 West (2nd traffic light) and travel southbound.
The church will be on your left just past the railroad tracks.
If you get lost, call us at 801-964-9757, or on our cell at 801-518-7157; ask for David or Julie Cazier.
Other Stuff
Cazier Books
Just a reminder that the “50 Years of Cazier Family Reunions” book is still available for purchase. We will have them at the reunion for $7.00 and for $10.00 if we mail them. I found the book to be very interesting and informative.
Also there has been an interest in a reprint of the “Descendants of William Cazier and Pleasant Drake 1794 – 1988” (the big red book). If you have a desire to receive a copy of this book let me know. If there is enough interest then we may be able to get a reprint at a reasonable cost. It may however require a couple hundred copies to warrant the cost of a reprint.
A new Web page
There is a new web page where this information will be posted and where you can register for the reunion online. Go to
http://cazier.net/ on the Internet, and click on the “Cazier Family Organization”. Information will be found there on the reunion and a form for registration. Links to other family information will also be found there and forms to help us gather information on some of the subjects mentioned in this newsletter. Feel free to give some input on enhancements to the site for adding to its usability.
Also if you have a family web page that you would like a link to on Cazier.net send it to Andy and he can add it. The domain name Cazier.org has also been reserved and when the information warrants it, the Cazier Family Organization can be transferred to that domain.
We are finding it very convenient in our communications with the family to use E-mail. If you have an E-mail address, send us E-mail so we can record your address and use it to improve our communications. We find it very interesting and helpful as we “talk” with family members about our ancestry and the family organization.
A reminder:
On the address label is the last date I have a record of dues contributed from your family. The dues are still only $10 per year. Dues help to defray the cost of reunions, books, newsletters and genealogy research. Your contribution is appreciated.