1970 – Anaheim, California
The Twenty First annual Cazier reunion was held July 3, 4, 1970 in Anaheim, California with Ivan Cazier in charge of the reunion. The Constitution and By-Laws were read and discussed. Ivan Cazier was elected president for the next two years and given the responsibility of choosing the vice president. Edwin Cazier was elected Historian. Mattie Eagar was released as genealogist and Fern Rutledge was elected. Jean-Claude Cazier was introduced to the group by Fern Rutledge. Jean-Claude is teaching French while attending BYU. He told of how he found Cazier relatives in Provo, and how interested he was in doing genealogy work. He offered to do research work in France for the family if the family could finance his work. The family agreed to provide $250 to Jean-Claude. He would then travel to France and find as much information as possible and communicate that information to Fern Rutledge, the family genealogist. Mattie Eagar reported on the present knowledge of Phillipe Cazier and his descendants and how they might be connected to our proven Cazier ancestry. Asael E. Palmer expressed the appreciation to the group for the work that Mattie Eagar and Charles Cazier had done for the Cazier organization for the last twenty years. There were about 98 in attendance.