1965 – Logan, Utah
The Sixteenth annual Cazier reunion was held in Logan, Utah on June 12, 13, 1965. Stanford Cazier was master of Ceremony of the dinner and program. President S. Edwin Cazier asked for a minute of silence in memory of Jim Eagar, Mattie’s husband who had recently passed away. The book on the life of William Cazier was discussed. The cost of the book would be $2.50 when it was finished. Ronald N. Cazier was elected to the office of family Representative. The duties of this assignment was to act as a liaison between the family and the genealogical board. President S. Edwin Cazier told the group that it takes money to run the organization and unless everyone was willing to pay their part, now was as good a time as any to end the organization. The vote was to continue the organization. There were about 130 in attendance.