2005 – Afton, Wyoming
Notes on Afton, Wyoming Reunion June 2005 (PDF)
Notes from Cazier Reunion in Afton Wyoming
Carol Lynn McIntosh
June 26, 27 2005
1. The 2005 Cazier Family Reunion was held June 26 -27 in Afton, Wyoming, co-hosted by Billie Nield and Lou Jenkins. They did a great job and we want to thank them for all their hard work. We had a good feast with delicious food, and learned a lot about Charles Drake and Charles Gates Cazier who were sent by Brigham Young to settle Star Valley. The Executive Committee nominated Dee Cazier of Boise, Idaho to host the reunion on 23,24 of June 2006, in Boise. We also decided to hold the reunion of 2008 in Nauvoo, Illinois. We are announcing this early so we will have ample time to arrange our vacations and save money for the trip. It sounds as if it will be a grand reunion, so plan on attending.
2. We have had some real break-through in our genealogy research. Our finances are limited for genealogy research, so we are asking for donations to fund this project. Please be generous and donate as much money as you can. You can send your checks to Andy Cazier in Federal Way, Washington. We feel we are on the right track in tracing the movements of our early ancestors. We have discovered that we left Europe, as Huguenots, for religious freedom. Research has shown that the Huguenot Casier Family settled in Harlem on Manhattan Island in 1660. Exciting discoveries are being made with the research that is being done. We, again, urge you to please send your generous donations to further the research.
3. We need to remind the families about the annual dues. We will try to hold that amount to $10.00 and, it will only be possible if each family pays their dues. A mere 30% of the family is paying dues. That puts a burden on our budget which is used for postage, paper, etc. to keep the family informed as to what is going on, genealogical research. Some of the expense could be lessened if all those who have e-mail would specify to Andy that they want their messages sent over the internet. You can reach Andy at this web site: [email protected]. Gail’s address is: [email protected]. To those of you who might not know, Andy is the treasurer and Gail is the genealogist of our grand organization.
4. We also need to have you send in your family group sheets for yourself and your children to Gail. Better yet, get your offspring involved in the family and have them send in their own data. We need marriages, births, names, dates, deaths, and where all those events occured. It would be wonderful if you could encourage your offspring to come to the reunions. There needs to be some young blood coming into the organization so we can keep these reunions happening. A reunion has been held each year since 1951 and we want to see it continue. There are very few families that can claim consecutive reunions for that long period of time.