1990 – Seattle, Washington
The Forty First annual Cazier reunion was held in Seattle, Washington, June 29, 30, 1990 with President Bruce Bingham presiding at the meetings. Ivan Cazier reported that the new Cazier book has been microfilmed by the church. Gail Cazier, secretary was unable to attend. Fern Rutledge suggested that we begin a new book about the descendants of each of the children of Williams. There are only a few copies of the new book still available. Ivan Cazier reported that he has published a book about his grandfather William Robert Cazier. Bruce Bingham reported on some developments in the tracing of our family roots back to Phillip Cassier who came from France. He shared a story of contacting Lester Mangum who is listed in Family Registry as one doing research on the Cazier Family line. His wife Bertha is a Cazier. He told of contacting Lester in Orangevale, California and getting a promise of a family group sheet showing James Cazier, (our line) as a brother to a Richard Cazier, (their line). Joan Carroll from Gilbert, Arizona reported on the process that the Church is making on doing family history work. They have a new system called Family Search that puts CD’s in each family history libraries throughout the Church. The Cazier Bylaws were amended as follows: Past President meeting now will be called the Executive Committee, address label will include the status of the members’ dues and the next years host is automatically a Vice President who serves for one year. Andy Cazier was elected as Secretary/Treasurer There was about 89 in attendance.