1988 – Modesto, California
The Thirty Ninth annual Cazier reunion was held in Modesto, California, June 24,25, 1988 with the Merideth Hamilton family as hosts. President Frank Hall conducted the meeting. Ivan Cazier reported that the manuscript of the new book was sent to the publisher April 1, 1988 and that he had picked up 100 copies from the bindery on his way to the reunion. Gail Cazier reported that $3,300 had to be borrowed to finish payment. The total cost was $12,653.79. The New Book Account was closed. All future transactions will be made through the checking account. Ivan recommended that a copy of the new book be given to Ricks College, Brigham Young University, and the Church Genealogical Society. Fern Rutledge, family genealogist gave a report on her work to establish connections to the Caziers in France. She was very emotional about the new book and the good that it can do for the family. She said that John’s Family was here at the reunion mainly because of the book. She said further that this book should be the starting point for other books to be published. Bruce Bingham was elected president for the next two years. There were about 107 in attendance.