1985 – Park City, Utah
The Thirty Sixth annual Cazier reunion was held in Park City, Utah June 28 – 30, 1985 with Wayne Ragland and Ivan Cazier as host families. Jay and Edna Cazier from Illinois were there again this year and Dale Cazier from Ohio was also there. A series of Genealogical workshops were conducted by Fern Rutledge, the family Genealogist. Mattie Eagar’s genealogical book was on display. It was decided to place it in the church genealogical library for reference. Ivan Cazier introduced William Call from the Miranda Branch of the family. William is a type setter by trade and he gave many suggestions to the new book committee on how to prepare photos and what size of a book to publish. He also gave an idea on how many books to publish. The cut off date for submitting information to the book committee was set at July 1, 1986. A special meeting of the Past Presidents was called by president Janeal Hansen. Larry Galli was appointed chairman of the finance for the new book. A special tribute was given to Fern Rutledge for the hundreds of hours she has spent working our families genealogy. Ron Cazier videotaped the proceedings of the reunion. There were about 116 in attendance.