1984 – Rexburg, Idaho
The Thirty Fifth annual Cazier reunion was held in Rexburg, Idaho, June 29 – July 1, 1984 with the Gail A. Cazier family as hosts. President Larry Galli presided at the meetings held. The decision was made to have the reunion every year, since every other year would kill the spirit of it. Grace Johnson was appointed to assist Fern as backup genealogist. Ivan Cazier gave a report on the new book. It is progressing well. The estimated printing cost is $20,000 to $25,000 for about 500 copies. Fern Rutledge said that the new book will contain all the families from William Cazier forward to you and 1. We must make sure our data is present and accurate. Those who passed away during the year include Helen Cazier Norton, Alice Lenore Cazier Bingham, Mattie Cazier Eagar, Maydell Cazier Palmer. They were recognized for their great contribution to the Cazier Family and they will be greatly missed. Jeanel Hansen was elected president of the organization. On Sunday, July 1, Bishop Gail Cazier conducted a fast and testimony meeting for the family. Many testimonies were born. Proceedings of the reunion were recorded on video by Ronald N. Cazier from Brigham City. There were about 77 in attendance.