1971 – Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada
The Twenty Second annual Cazier reunion was held July 8, 9, 1971 in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada. President Ivan Cazier presided with Delbert Palmer, vice president and program chairman. The summer home of Delbert and Maydell Palmer and the LDS church in the Park were the centers for meetings and activities. Delbert gave a brief history of Southern Alberta. A genealogy meeting was conducted by Fern Rutledge. The current status of our family genealogy was summarized. Fern and Jean-Claude Cazier have prepared a large reproduction of the Cazier Family Crest. The family agreed that this should be the family crest. Jean Claude had made a large scrap book of the information he had gathered about the places that our ancestors had likely lived. A pageant written by Fern Rutledge, family genealogist, was presented which developed the theme of the importance of genealogy work The cast included a Reader, Maydell Palmer, and a Temple Recorder, Asael Palmer. A group of Temple workers were on one side of the veil and our ancestors on the other side. There were about 150 in attendance.