1958 – Homedale, Idaho
The Ninth annual Cazier reunion was held in Homedale, Idaho, June 14,15,1958. A genealogical meeting was held that evening with the suggestion made that our research work be carried on more earnestly. Mattie Eagar displayed maps and charts showing the work that she had done. A drama was presented entitled “Home Sweet Home” by the Liddall Family and descendants of Ben Cazier reminiscing home life in all its beauty. President Dale Cazier gave instructions about the headstone for William Cazier and his wives including Pleasant Drake who is buried in a Pioneer Cemetery in Council Bluff, Iowa. The headstone cost was $206.55. A vote was taken to use the funds in the bank to purchase and erect the headstone. The balance due on the headstone was $30.00 which was paid by Charles B. Cazier, Gerald Cazier, and Mattie Eagar. No attendance count was recorded.