Morris Phelps Emigrating Company

Morris Pioneer Company that William Cazier Came with (PDF)

Source: (Church History) William Cazier came west with the Morris Phelps Emigrating Company arriving in Salt Lake on 1 October 1851.

Morris Phelps Emigrating Company

Journal entries [1851] Aug.

Morris Phelps

Tuesday Aug 5. . .for fuel[.] We travelled [traveled] 13 Miles this day. Bro. [Morris] Phelps called a Meetting [meeting] of the brethren this evening And gave them Some little instruction[.] he Said he wanted a little more energy exerted in Starting early in the morning[.] they would find it better to Start early in the Morning, and Camped Sooner, and do a better day of travelling And easier on our teams, let us rise earlyer [earlier], And get breakfast past And all things packed in our Waggons, So as we can Start with the ease we ought to[.] let the women And the men Concerned in Cooking attend to this, he continued his remarks on this, And for all to be carefull [careful] of their provisions, And so not allow any to go to waste. And to cease Swearing and using the name of their Creator in Vain, And for herdsmen and watchmen to be attentive, And diligent at their posts–a few of the Brethren Spoke for a Short time, And the meetting Seperated–

Wednesday 6 August, a good day for travelling. roads good all day following up the river, [- ] Langley Ford And Company And a party of Californians passed us about 11 Oclock A.M. at the Cedar Bluffs, they left Salt Lake on the 15″ July[.] all well, And prospering, had a good harvest there, they passed [Almon W.] Babbits Company within 70 Miles of the City, the other Companys that headed the Horn were 15 Miles from Fort Larimie [Laramie], when they passed,

Thursday 7 August. a good day for travelling, an hours travel brought us to half Creek[.] the Most of the Waggons had to double teams going over the Sand Bluffs which Commence at that Creek[.] An hour took them all over, after that the road was good following up the river, we crossed Castle Creek late in the afternoon, And Camped 2 Miles further on, about [text missing] in the afternoon one of the Waggons of No 1 Company run foul [ran afoul] of one in No 3 Company and broke a hind Axle[.] a new one was put in the place of it by Night–the feed was good where we Camped, and Water to [too.] Chips for fuel–

Friday 8th August a good day for travelling And a good road all day[.] We travelled about 21 miles and Camped a mile from Crab Creek, ordinary good feed, good water & Chips for fuel

Saturday 9 August[.] a good day for travelling, the roads were not so good as what they were yesterday being Sandy, pretty heavy on the teams going over the Sand Bluffs and Cobble Hills–we travelled about 15 Miles, And camped about 5 Miles further from where the Ancient Bluff ruins Commenced–good feed, And water[.] Chips for fuel–Camping ground half a Mile off the road–in the evening a Meetting was held, a few of the Brethren made a few remarks, And Bro [Morris] Felps [Phelps] gave Some instruction to the Saints especially to parents and children, on the duties of each, one to Another[.] he also touched upon order And regularity in the Kingdom of [God]

For 10 Miles from Scotts Bluffs feed ordinary good, fuel not very plenty[.] we travelled from 18 to 20 Miles–

Wednesday 13 August[.] pretty good day for travelling, roads very good all day, we travelled from 17 to 18 Miles And Camped off from the road, Nigh to a Creek feed ordinary good, fuel not very plenty–

Thursday 14 August, a heavy thunder Storm through the night last night, a good day for travelling, roads good the most of the day, we travelled from 17 to 18 Miles And Camped half a Mile off from the road, feed good And Water, Wood at hand[.] An Indian of the Sou [Sioux] Nation passed us this afternoon on horseback, the first we have Seen Since we Started–about half past one Oclock this Morning Mrs. Jane Slieght [Sleight] wife of Enos L. Sleight gave birth to a fine boy–both doing well–

Friday 15 August, a pretty warm day for travelling in the fore part of it. Afternoon Cloudy with Showers of rain the most part of the day[.] the roads were very Sandy And heavy on the teams, we travelled about 13 or 14 Miles, And Camped within 2 Miles of a Camp of Sou [Sioux] Indians–feed ordinary good, Water a Mile off. plenty of Wood–

Saturday 16 August, a warm day for travelling[.] the roads Sandy the Most part of the day, about one Oclock, we past [passed] the Company of Ten that Split off from Shirtliffs [Shurtliff’s] Fifty, they were Camped, About 2 Oclock we came to Fort Larimie [Laramie], we unhitched our teams, And Stopped An hour and a half And Some business was attended to in the Slores [-], by Some of the Company, A great number of Indians of different tribes were Camped Nigh to the Fort[.] we travelled farther up the River about 5 Miles, on the Shure Side And Camped[.] feed very poor, plenty of wood And Water[.] we travelled about 15 or 16 Miles this day–

Sunday 17 August[.] a good day for travelling, we travelled half a Mile And forded the Platte River [here the handwriting changes–obviously a new scribe] & came upon the river Bottom on the South Side wheare [where] feed was good–lo[o]sed our cattle from the waggons & let them feed 2 hours & then des[c]ended a verry Steep hill & came to the Bottoms[.] traveled 2 miles & encamped near the River, good feed & wood

Monday August 18th[.] verry warm with high wind, traveled 2 or 3 miles & assended [ascended] the Bluffs & toock [took] the middle or north route over the mountains[.] At this point whare [where] the road leaves the river for 80 miles over the Black Hills namely the South route–their [there] was 6 waggons left the company <of RR Datons 10> & without any Just cause or complaint against their Capton [captain] or the Capton of the 50[.] Their names–wheare [were] James Haslam–John Haslam–John Baugh–Elexander [Alexander] Ross[,] Daniel Ross Sen[,] Daniel Ross Jr–Duncan Ross <&> Walter Thompson Clerk of the whole company & Joseph Jackson <from Br Henerys 10> many of those Brothern [brethren] left verry Reluctantly[.] But Being compeled to do So Because of through circumstances–to the Honour of Br [Walter] Thompson we will Say he was compeled to leave through causes that he Could not prevent, for he was a faithful man in the Discharge of his Duties as Clerk of the Company[.] his Loss was felt & regreted By the Company generally[.] This day we traveled about 22 or 23 miles over a verry rough Hard Stony Road But easey on the teams–& encamped about 9 oclock at night near the Platt[e] River[.] on account of feed–<also> Capton [Captain John] Brown & Capton Homer who traveled ahead of us during the day–at this point we found Capt Horner [Homer Duncan] with 40 waggons on his whey [way] to the Valley with merchantdice [merchandise.] at this point feed was not verry good .


Cazier, David, [Reminiscences], in Martha Cazier Eagar, The Life History of William Cazier [1970?], 18-19.

Full Text:

. . . Now this was in May and it was a very rainy season and a small creek became a river, and the Missoury [Missouri] river was very high, so after a few days we ferried over at the old Winter Quarters and camped on the high lands. Here is where one man tried to leave his dog but the dog wouldn’t be left so he swam the river after running up and down the banks a while and howling for his master.

The next thing to be done was to be organized in a company of sixty wagons which was done and a captain by the name of Morris Phelps. Now these companies was subdivided in tens and a captain of each ten wagons. Now I had to drive one of our wagons and I was bare footed and the oxen used to tread on my feet. Now at this time what was called the Elkhorn river which ran into the Platte river was very high so we would have to wait or go another way so the men thought they could go around the head of the Elkhorn and strike the old road up towards Laramy but the map didn’t tell all the truth. We encountered all sorts of trouble in the way of slues, sand hills, bad water and no water and after traveling 400 miles we struck the old trail and we was only 200 on our way.

JournalHistory—churchEmigration—1851 “William Cazier traveled from the Missouri River to great Salt Lake generally under the direction of the Church officials but not in the companies already listed. Came in Capt. Morris Phelps Co.

Now while we were taveling through these sand hills we past one company camped, and a good many of there cattle had run away with the buffalo. Now that was a pitiful site. Now soon after we struck the Platte my brother Samuel took sick with the mountain fever and it was expected that he would die but he lived but wasn’t able to drive his team any more. When we struck the Pacific springs my brother Charles and little sister [Rosannah] took sick with the mountain fever and that left me to look after all of the cattle, father [William] being a poor hand with oxen. Now I had to take my turn in herding the cattle by night, bare footed and plenty of prickly pears. After three months of weary travel we ascended the big mountain where we could see the valley, or the promised land! Men shouted and swung their hats and the women swang their bonnets. The next day we arrived in Salt Lake and found our folks all rite. This was on the first day of October 1851.”